The end of chapter one (600 posts)
This blog has been a complete success and a complete failure. The success part has been the marketing it has provided me with to sustain our business. Blogging is sort of a backdoor marketing plan. If you keep at it, it pays off better then spending money on advertising. Another triumph is achieving the goal of creating 600 new posts in two years. It just feels good to complete a goal. The final accomplishment is the documentation of two years of my life to hand down to my daughter. I’m sure she will find this blog to be odd and weird but hey, I’m Dad.
The failure has been the online store. To my own confession I did not work the online store very well. One, I did not write or post many photos about it. Two, I did no other social networking type of marketing to grow the business. No matter how you slice it, the online store is a bust.
To my delight the blog supported the greater of the two needs. There is more money to be made off of selling photography services than there is in just selling prints. Here is a tip to all you photogs out there; People pay for the service of what you do not see more than the product you would think should be seen. What I mean by that is everybody has a camera but not too many people kno whow to take a photograph.
Chapter Two
There will be a slight change in what my goals are for this blog. The slight change will be the lack of goals. I will not force myself to post five times a week (but probably will). The photography focus will be on ambient art and the written topics will still be compositions, journals, rants, moments and photos of the week. I will start some new projects and relationships in 2008.
Thank you to all for hanging out with me and reading this blog…
City Night Photography - (Project completed)
No Resolutions

It’s the end of the year and time to think about New Year’s resolutions. I like resolutions, mini-goals not to be procrastinated about. I have a good track record for keeping New Year’s resolutions. I have lost weight, read more, written more, fixed problems, and maintained previous goals.
This year I have no resolution. I do not even have an interest in having a resolution. You think it would be a freeing idea not to place a burden on yourself, but it’s not. Just the opposite, I find it quite disconcerting that I have no interest in bettering myself in any way for the oncoming year. Does that worry you? Hopefully you like me the way I am (don’t answer that) keep the sham alive.
Please enjoy this lack of declaration...
Photo of the Year (Best of)
Moment a Year in Review: 2007 (Best of)
Current Reading: 1st place Mother Teresa: Come be My Light 2nd place Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut
Current Music: Magic by Bruce Springsteen
Mood: Out of focus but only on the left side????
Sounds: Wind and rain pounding on the window
Smells: Miso Soup
Sights: Front porch, white wine, Spanish guitar in my hands
Temperature: 76 degrees
Thoughts: Langue, motion and rhythm are essential life fundamentals.
Does birth soil equal entitlement?
Human rights, what and odd phrasing of words. It is surprising to me that those words make up a movement of social importance. Human oxygen seems just as odd of a saying as human rights to me. You are born and you breathe. You are born and you have rights. Nonetheless human rights are determined by the soil that you are born on. Life in the United States will be easier than life in Africa. Social activists have created an industry out of getting us to notice the lack of human rights in the world. For the most part we do notice. We donate, we give, we pay attention and succumb to that awful feeling of “Thank God that’s not me”. We live with the soil of entitlement right that was given to us only due to the fact of where we were born.
Every generation sees the fall of man. Be it Noah to the Nazi or slavery to 9/11 there is real evil in the world. This evil continues to fall out between the legs of screaming women. Babies endowed with human rights.
I end this writing on the morning of Christmas Eve. It’s an odd time to post this, it’s an incomplete thought. Hopefully somebody reading this will complete it for me.
The moral of this story, take a family photo and save environmentally conscious, socially responsible efforts for your friends who vote democrat.
P.S. Peace on Earth…
Gratitude Journal

- Had a really good workout this morning.
- Recently discovered the work of Jonah Lehre
- Holiday party with friends today.
- A new outlook on an old problem.
Is Journalism Dead?
Photo of the Week
I want to quit smoking but I won’t quit smoking.com
The name of the site: “I want to quit smoking but I won’t quit smoking”, the domain name being http://www.iwanttoquitsmokingbutiwontquitsmoking.com/. The premise of the site is about the joys, struggles, humor and excuses of people trying to stop smoking all the while having no will to actually stop smoking. Let me tell you the history of how this idea germinated in my head.
I hate cigarette smoke. Secondhand smoke is a toxic poison that smokers can dispel on the innocent non-smokers of society. I hate smoking in public, walking down the street or in restaurants where smoke wafts toward the innocents. I hate driving behind a smoker who exhales their toxic, cancer-causing, secondhand smoke to come out of their car window. The smoke is vacuum-sucked into the car behind them (usually me) and then blown through the car vent causing the non-smoker inside to stink of smoke for the rest of their day. Cigarette smoking must be stopped.
Oddly, I like smokers but hate the smoke. Love the sinner (smoker) hate the sin (toxic, cancer-causing, secondhand smoke). If you see a large group of friendly strangers standing outside a public office building, they are probably smokers. Smokers share with each other, “You need a light, extra cigarette for the go? No problem”. Smokers are a kind, sociable community. Smokers have a super hero ability to light a cigarette under any weather condition. Too bad they couldn’t harness their kindness towards others and their super hero abilities for good. As kismet will have it they will die earlier in life due to the toxic, cancer-causing nicotine they consume through their poor lungs. The good fortune for them is that they will not miss the good years. Death by cigarettes is usually a fourth quarter thing.
That’s the back story of how “I want to quit smoking but I won’t quit smoking.com” came into existence. Next, let’s make money off of this vexing bunch of people.
This is how the site will work. You will ask people to e-mail their smoking trials and tribulations to you. You will post them daily. No work on your part, that’s a creative perk I tossed in for you. The site will make money by having people click on the advertisings on the right and left sidebars. The beauty is on the right sidebar the advertising will be for quitting smoking. The patch, pill, hypnosis, gum, psychic drugs, books and other snake oils that society has suggested. On the left side bar there will advertisements for smoking products. Tobacco, pipes, lighters, roll your own cigs, cig cartoon merchandise and other sorted paraphernalia that smokers enjoy spending their money on.
There it is, a gem of an idea. The readers will write the site. The advertisers will pay you for bringing sheep to the slaughter. All you have to do is offer a prayer to the god of St. Nicotine for creating this toxic, cancer-causing product that sucks the Free Will out of its users.
You’re welcome.
Somebody should invent this.
Here is the idea, take it and run with it.
-The reverse car horn.
Car horn etiquette is at an all time low. All road rage starts with car horn abuse. Whatever happened to the soft beep, beep? “Hey, mister motorist I am behind you and wanted to alert you that I am patiently waiting for you to move your vehicle”. We live in a car driven society of “if you do not react on the road within a nano second you are subjected to the ear crushing, heart pounding, BEEEEEP,BEEEEEEP, BEEEEEP followed up by knowing that curse words are being tossed your way conjoined with hand jesters that just aren’t nice.”
At first it will increase road rage and random acts of violence towards fellow drivers. (This is not good but wait.) This is how the invention will work: The reverse car horn will generate calming, soothing, healing reverberation to our highways and byways. Picture this; you are driving your car and you are stopped at a red light. The light turns green but you do not go due to the fact that you are day dreaming, flipping radio stations, etc… The person behind you lays on their horn shortening your life expectancy by 3 to 7 years. You are awoken to the real world startled back into life and become angered at that driver behind you. You think to yourself “why couldn’t they just give me the gentle beep, beep and I would be on my way?”
Remembering that you just had the reverse car horn installed, you decide this is the time to use it. You flip open the newly installed reverse car horn head (think of Pez dispensers), and you blast Barry Manilow’s song, “Mandy”, at them. You do not drive away or move your car. Instead you watch and wait. You watch the driver behind you go from angry, irritated, road rage to bliss. At first angry, irritated, road rage will persist, maybe even to the point of inflamed violent behavior. Nevertheless, just wait, soon the Manilow will create a Fanilow out of that person transporting a tip-toeing dancing smile to their face. The random act of violence has been changed into a random act of kindness with a music soundtrack to go with it.
P.S. The reverse car horn will not be sold to people who drive mini-vans while smoking a cigarette, eating a pop tart, and talking on their cell phones all the while barely avoiding a catastrophe and almost wrecking into me. They deserve the BEEEEEP,BEEEEEEP, BEEEEEP…
Current Music: iPod on shuffle mod
Mood: Happy
Sounds: The heater running & vents blowing warm air
Smells: Miso soup
Temperature: 33 Degrees
Thoughts: Had to buy the Henry Miller book!!!!
Gratitude Journal
- Sleep, I gotten more sleep last week than I had in the last 3yrs.
- Soups, my wife makes great soup.
- The letters “S” do to the fact that the three things that I am grateful for all start with the letter “S”.
Hi !!
Photo of the Week
Henry Miller Tribute (of-sorts)
A couple of years ago I expatriated my collection of Miller books. It seems just; due to the fact that his works got booted across the pound a couple years before being published in the U.S. I haven’t even touched the books in 15 plus years but to move them from one home to the next. I miss them. I miss knowing that they are mine and that they are in my home. I miss the feeling and history I got from those pages.
Miller’s works were combination of a whore, monk and artist. The metamorphoses of his life seemed to garner a bridge to a madman or saint. Either way Miller’s works were inspirational with a key to life. Even if that key got you into the door at the fight club.
Vonnegut Tribute (of-sorts)
Death, so I don’t have to see it? The it. I do not understand myself so well. This nation has been so good to me but so bad to others. It makes me sad. The it. Is global warming the rapture? Is it?
Winter Luminary
Last night I stood outside La Roche collage photographing a winter luminary display. I have been waiting 2yrs for this shot to happen. The luminaries are only displayed for three weeks and I have to hope/wait for snow to be on the ground. Last night my wait came to fruition. Unfortunately I am not very happy with the shots. It seems that I will have to go back next week at dusk and try again. Hope for snow!!!

Camera: Nikon D70s
Exposure: 15 sec (15)
Aperture: f/22
Focal Length: 70 mm
ISO Speed: 200
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Democracy Rant
Civics: a social science dealing with the rights and duties of citizens.
We the people (the public forum) have become vulnerable to acting on what a democracy is by definition. It appears that we live in an era where action is generated more by fear, media and political perception than by civics. Friedman writes in today’s New York Times, “America will continue to export more fear than hope”. (See complete article here).
I find it funny that most people agree on solutions but dispute the cause. Yes, we’re addicted to oil and yes, clean energy is good. Not a difficult conversation to have. However, climate change or global warming causes countless discourse when the solution is already agreed upon. The media entertains us with the verdict then the trial follows. Politicians become late night televangelists prophesying tomorrow’s headlines. Fear is injected into people that mythically believe what were told. The cycle repeats.
Does America need a good uprising? Historically if you want to create social change you need a good uprising. See the 60’s for the civil liberties generation. Those people rose up and created change. Democracy is a conversation.
No Short Cuts
For those new to this blog, my practice is: a balance of body mind and spirit in self, culture and nature. On a daily basis I practice meditation, yoga, diet, compassion and creative expression. This is why I am writing this post to shed light on my shadows by journaling.
Keeping true to the act of practice is all I want to achieve. I am not looking for total attainment of any one of my practices. The accomplishment I seek is to live a well life of compassion and service.
Placing aside my practices has brought me illness (inner & outer), inner being the worst. The writing of this understanding has been a cleansing confession of sort for me. I will regain my discipline. Reclaiming the inner and outer health that my practice gives me is a purist act of self compassion and service worth self-realization.
Current Music: In Rainbows by Radiohead
Mood: lethargic
Sounds: Silence
Smells: Coffee
Temperature: 32 degrees
Thoughts: Letting your daily practice slip by for a couple of days is not good for your health.