
First Snowfall

First snowfall of the year today in Pittsburgh. Saying those words bring a smile to my face. What is the sensation inside of us that a glorious new season brings out? Sitting inside my home all warm and snuggly and knowing that it’s cold outside just makes me feel good. The first snow is akin to inspiration, you must write, work, create, and move…it’s a gift of a divine gathering of thoughts.

Today, this first contribution of snow is an extra special gift to me for tonight is Light Up Night in Pittsburgh. It is the annual kick off of the holiday season. At sundown the entire city will turn on all of their lights and unveil the new decorations for the holiday season. I will be perched up high on one of the city’s overlooks photographing the event. This city of Pittsburgh has developed into a muse for me. I look at her differently now. I see life, grace, stillness and openness.