
Why Instrumental Music Is Good For You

Music can help engage whole-brain thinking. “What’s so great about using your whole brain?” you ask. Simply put, exercising a whole muscle verses only partially exercising a muscle is better for complete body/mind balance. (Balance; defined in the integral, all-inclusive use of the word: Is body, mind and spirit in self culture and nature awareness). Why instrumental music? For the reason that it does not tell you how to think or what to think about. It opens up the mind for a comprehensive listening experience. I do not want to make the case that lyrical music is bad. I want to make the case that instrumental music has additional effectiveness for mind and body development growth potential.

The Mozart Effect, Oliver Sacks book Musicophilia, Music has Power organization and countless other institutions have shown how neurology and music enhance the mind and its perceptions to grow, heal and expand. The non-scientific example of why instrumental music works is that it moves the neurons and brain waves in a different manor than they are accustomed to. Opening up more of the brain functionality for expansion, music is the accompaniment of our evolution. Instrumental music has the budding influence to unlock part of the brain that was previously dormant.

Continuing with yesterday’s musical post: we are the only species on the plant that reacts to music in the manner we do. The importance that we place or do not place on the ambient soundtrack of our daily life will have a direct impact on our future wellbeing.