
Impending Disruption

Ok, here it is...the song that took me 20yrs to write (actually co-write).

In the early nineties my college band disbanded. Not a break-up; it was more akin to a "grow-up and go your separate ways". The time between this song and my college years was filled with me playing in different bands of all types of music. I loved it.

Never was I able to capture or recreate the collaborate relationship I had with my college music partners. This past January I received an e-mail “are you the John that I played music with in college” signed Erik Vecere. I quickly wrote back “yes”.

For the past year we have met about twice a month simply playing, writing and recording music for the joy that music brings to one life.

This tune is a ten minute opus of a song. I know asking for ten minutes of your internet attention is like asking for a decade of your life.

I am asking. Listen.