This past Sunday morning I started a side project for PGH Parks Conservatory. It has taken me longer to get this project off the ground due to bad weather but I'm so glad I stuck with it. Hopefully, weather permitting, I will be shooting “Walk in the Woods” this upcoming Wednesday evening. Info about that event can be found (here).
On this hot humid Sunday morning after shooting a late night wedding I got out of bed and drove to Mellon Park, which is located on the corner of 5th and Shady Ave.
The streets were packed with patrons attending this event. I had to park about a half mile away on the far end of Shady Ave. just to find a parking spot. The walk to the park gave me a glance into the future of Pittsburgh or the present of what the city has turned into. The streets were line with hybrid vehicles, every other car seemed either to be a hybrid, flex fuel or clean diesel. The sidewalk was lined with bikers and families who just left church and young couples walking their pets.
Upon entering the park you could quickly see this is an event for the community; family friendly, age friendly and first date friendly. The park was crowded, it was the perfect blend for an outdoor event with enough room to lay down your blanket or set up your lawn chair but packed to the point that you were glad you came out to be part of the crowd.
One thing that I am starting to notice about PGH citizens is that they’re nice, very nice. Nice does not seem like something to brag about, but when you see yourself starting to notice the niceness of the community you live in, it’s a good feeling.
Walking through the crowd with a camera in hand, if I accidentally knocked into to someone I would turn around to apologize, they would quickly respond with a good morning and a pat on the back, nice isn’t?
Pittsburgh is growing in a new direction that embraces community, local economies and neighborly kindness. I am glad to be part of it. It's the reason I am writing this post today.
“Cello Fury” was performing as part of this ongoing classical music series, “Bach, Beethoven, and Brunch” that is held on Sunday mornings. Additional info about the series can be found here.
Three cellists, one drummer and I am interested…. You can see some of the photos that I took (here).
If you see a guy walking around with a camera with a long lens stop and say hi.