Having the opportunity to spend February in Florida is a different encounter in nature for me. The colors of February light are filled with soft blues, strong greens and diffused yellows. The greens are multi-layered with deeper shades, hues and saturations than I have ever seen. The morning light breaks through moss-blanketed trees reflecting off the white sand. These colors give off the sense that you are walking through a dream.
This got me thinking about my approach to my work on this trip. My photographs are much softer and wispier in contrast to the sharp focus and strong lines of my previous work. Its nice to notice this shift in style as an after-effect in the work as opposed to having it pre-planned or forced. Photographing without a defined goal is a rare thing for me…and very enjoyable.
My thoughts about this work were confirmed over coffee with Elizabeth later in the day when she referred to this body of work as my “Nature Dreamscape Series”…I like that...a lot.
Coffee on Valentine's Day with Elizabeth. There were no diamonds given as gifts but a soy latté says Love just as much (it does right?). Conversation and time alone with “E” is my connection to the divine. In the afternoon playing in the park with “little e” is our product from the divine.