
Review - 1-2-3 of God

I just finished listening to the 1-2-3- of God by Ken Wilber. It is an interesting listen especially if you read Integral Spiritually by Wilber. The audio book is a conversation between Wilber and Tami Simon, founder of Sounds True audio publications. The dialogue gives you a perspective of the 1-2-3 process and an overview of Integral Spiritually. If you read Integral Spiritually and found it too academic this is a good second chance to grasp the information provided. If you enjoyed Integral Spiritually but need a more experiential understanding of the 1-2-3 perspective then disc 4 is for you. It is guided mediations of the 1-2-3 process by Diane Musho Hamilton. If you're a long time reader of Wilber's work then there really is nothing new here, however the questions asked by Tami Simon can shed some light on confusing issues that you may have after reading Integral Spiritually. I was lucky enough to find a copy at my local library.