
The Integral Christian

Integral Christian is a new blog founded by Joe Perez. The blog’s focus is on advocating and practicing an integrative Christian spirituality.

Perez writes: The Integral Christian Weblog is a group endeavor which does not endorse any one model of spiritual development exclusively. However, it is safe to say that generally the best guide to the spiritual journey is one that is most comprehensive, complete, and contains rich portraits of the widest number of perspectives. Integral Institute's AQAL™ model is such an approach, and there are other integral maps with qualities to recommend. Whenever necessary, the contributors to this Weblog will try to make clear which model they are using so that interested readers can learn more about the underlying theoretical perspective”.

For my part of this blog I will post photographs that will provide a contemplative experience to the viewers. I will also occasionally post written entries on my personal Integral Christian development.

Personally for me it is quite an honor to be asked to contribute to this blog. The other contributors are Jim Marion and Chris Dierkes. Marion has written two books: “Putting on the Mind of Christ, the Inner Work of Christian Spirituality,” and “The Death of the Mythic God, the Rise of Evolutionary Spirituality.” Marion’s first book “Putting on the Mind of Christ” is a benchmark in my life. It is one of those books that jumps off the shelf at you. (Actually it did, three separate times I found this book when just perusing the bookstore. So I figured I am supposed to read this book and I am thankful that I did.) I find Marion’s writing to be truly blessed and integrally grounded.

Chris Dierkes writes the Indistinct Union: Christianity, Integral Philosophy, and Politics Blog. I am fairly new to his writing although I find his work to be captivating and thoughtful.

Joe Perez is the author of two books: Soulfully Gay and Rising Up. In the blog world few writers evolve into more than just blogging. Perez is one of the few that has broken through that wall; his self-reflective writing has captivated my daily reading for the last couple of years. Joe Perez is the author of the blogs Until, GS&C, and Whole Writing.

Look forward to postings that will be thought provoking, and spiritually inspiring. I hope you enjoy this journey that we are undertaking.