
Does Driving Kill the Creative Process

Does driving kill the creative process or does it enrich the creative process?

I am sure that I have written/thought/created over 1,000 sonatas; composed 5,200 pop rock songs, discovered 15,287 incredible photograph opportunities and have conceived 2,000,000 blog posts that were never written, photograph or composed. Why?

For the reason that, driving is a transcendental, hypnotic influx of creative juices that the universal slaps us in the face with at the most inconvenient time. The predicament is that we all believe that we will remember everything once we get out of the car. We don’t (No, not even you who keeps a note pad suction cup to the dashboard) & (For the people who keep a hand held recorder with them at all time: No, that does’t work either. Put it away before you kill somebody). What to do, what to do: to retain all that immense unforgettable stuff that will be forgotten by the time we close the car door behind us. We could plead to the Gods of “The Secret” for guidance, we could ask Oprah what she does, we could stop driving (but, then would inspiration even come to us?).

Thus, does driving kill the creative process or does it enrich the creative process? My answer, YES