
In time of war send the musician in first

If you live in a world were all you want for is “more” it is time for you to take notice of it. You can always tell the state of the world by what people are complaining about. If gas price are too high and the president should be impeached then you are probably having a good day. If there is money in your pocket and food on your table then most likely you spent too much time watching TV last night.

For myself - Last night, after eating too much pizza I sat my butt down in front of the TV to blindly view prime time TV. Accidentally I flipped on a Bill Clinton speech: The speech was entitled “Private Citizens and Public Service”. Bam, I was hypnotized by his dedication to service. I was asking myself if his current role was penance for past sin. Not really caring what the answer is.

Clinton speech had me reflected upon the past years of my life. In addition to photography I am a guitarist and after 9/11 everybody wanted to hear inspirational music. Collectively we needed to be uplifted and transform to a better world if it was only for the time of a song. Music can heal and it was a blessing to play music during that time period. I can no longer feel if 9/11 was 5yrs ago or 5minutes ago but the music still resonates with me today.

What private service can I publicly bring to the world? Art can serve: there is old proverb that says. “In time of war send the musician in first.”