
Goal setting

Setting goals for my photography business & everyday life: Ok –everybody tells us to write down our goals for them to manifest into our daily lives. Balancing the point between dreaming and achieving them has been the real goal for me. The first half of my goal writing is from a previous post and it was written as my business paradigm. The second half is directed specifically to my home life.

Work with a purpose
1)Balance lifestyle of professional & personal
2) Satisfying & delighting clients
3) Increase earning a living & contributing to the well being of others
4) Community & environmental responsibility and service

Service with a purpose
1) Family – Bond with my daughter (New born) I should write some type of goal here about my wife, but we are perfect together. Ok - the goal is to always remember how perfect we are.
2) Spiritual – Increase meditation practice
3) Social – Become active in community service (donate photography services)
4) Financial – Understand tax accounting and how it effect my business (any help here would be much appreciated)
5) Physical – Increase yoga practice & start weight lifting
6) Mental – Never stop growing: Read two books a month, one for fun & one for development.

There it is, I will give updates periodically on how I am doing. Let the manifesting begin.